
Thursday, October 4, 2007

Helloish ! (:

Today is Math PSLE . SIANs ~ Dhe section C I all didnt do all ! Aiyos - Think this time my math surely fail le ! >.< Hope miracle HAPPENS ! hehes - Dhen go out of SCHOOL ~

After thats , went 528 , with lianna laogong & Wendy Mei . Slacks - Slack . Dhen with Jenny twinDarlink . She come with Ahbell jiejie . Jaihe korkor comes ; Slak . Dhen go home bath , Jiahe korkor , Vienna , Justin didi came . Play with com . Go Vienna house . Dhen go 528 , agains ; Saw Marco & his fwens - GO homee ~

At home , Mummiie , didi & meimei go outs ; for ... >.< Dhen play-ed audition . Dhen Pinhong come my house , cos his mother go outs - dhen POST ! ~ x)


Dinie , I wants to SKIN yoos alive ! ~