Helloooooos (x
Today get PSLE result =x , lawls . Went school at 10.46 am . Saw wanqi , mandy , simin , eleanor & jiawen . Slack awhilee in school . Dhen Mr John came . He said he saw my PSLE score , iie as like , OMFG ? -.- He say he only see NOTTIE children de score . WTF . Dhen wanqi pei me go find counsellor . Listen to counsellor , lawls , damm boring . Dhen she dimiss me , saw Mr Tan on phone , dhen smile with him only . Saw wanlin & eunice doing survey , dhen go with them liaos .
Went up to dhe hall , sit . Dhen cher talk talk .
Miss Lim bring us back to class room , give result .
iie gort 198 , yeahs . EXPRESS ~
WHOOPS , sibeisong (:
Dhen mummiie , xiuchoo && iie go home .
&& iie come out slack with ususal ppl till 7 pm .
Go home eat , post .
, lovesloves