Today woke up at 6 am . Eat & Etc . Went school .
When iie was going to find Bonnibelle , Chenfen & Peiqing ,, yoo know whats ?
Sibeeeeeei Happy Siol ! xDDDDDDD
Dhen went to canteen , & didnt saw them . Dhen went to parade square .
Saw them , dhen chat (: Sing song & Etc . Went back to class . Dhen havee common test for science & Lit . Its soooooo dammmm difficult cans ? Sureee fail liaos larhhs ! ):
Went for recess with peiqing only cause Bonnibelle & Chenfen went to find Mrs Lai .
Immm sooooo FUCKING saddd cans ? Didnt saw him ): Haishh . Dhen peiqing comfort mee (:
- Peiqing , Thanks for the comfort today . I almost criedd today . =x
Loveee yoos tons ! x33 .
Dhen when lining upp , niagamihwasI ! (: Teeeheeees .
SkipSkippeddd .
Lesson Lesssonnnnsss . Dammm Sians .
&& School ends ! (: Went home with Peiqing . At bus stop didnt saw him , very very very depresseddd larhhs ! ]:
Busedd backedd to Greenridge , saw Jaslin Baobeii & Damien at Resident . Slack slack .
Dhen Joshua , Deming & sean came . Slackedd . Weeleong Daddieee camme . Dhen we all went to someone ( forgoted ) , without Weeleong Daddiie . Saw yian . Dhen all went slackedd . (:
Dhen split le . I with Joshua & Deming . Jaslin with Sean , they went to Lrt . Dhen me , Joshua & Deming went 526 slackedd . =x
Dhen they saw their DM . Sean tio caught by them , dhen kena sent back to school . De ming & Joshua like mousee hidee at staircase -.-
Skipskipskip .
At 6 ++ , went home . Bath , eat & use com (:
,, lovesloves
Yoo cyeebyeee dog larhhs . Always ka my jiao wei .
Dont think iie dont know sehhs . Vienna & Jaslin & others told me .
O.O , they betrayedd yoo sehhs . OMG ? lols . Dogs marhhs .
Say Jaslin & shazalind is your back up ? Ohh , please , they
simply hateee yooo soo muchh . Only yoo so naive , thought they
were your back up -.- Hahas . Vienna , Jenny , Jaslin , Shazalind
, wanlin & they others side me lehhs , actually , iie dont need
back up also de . Only LITTLE kiddy dog need . Yoo think
what ? , every ex-stead of yours cant stead with other girl ehhs ?
Yoo hate jenny because stead with Jiahe rights ? Ohh , pleasee
larhhs , Jiahe now love yoo mehhs ? yoo talk cock for ? && yoo
sooo damm out , now nobody buy lil miss liaos , only yoo this
dog buy . HA HA HA ! . Aiyooos , lack of freedom de Dog .
So ke lians ehhs ? Yoo say me step lian ? OMG? , waluas , yoo more ?
At least , iie more lian dhen yoo , && yoo jealoused rights ?
_l_ ! Go suck wei hong's cock larhhs ! Cyeebyee BITCH !