I realize nothing's broken
No need to worry bout everything I done
Live every second like it was my last one
Don't look back got a new directionI loved you once
Needed protection
You're still a part of everything I do You're on my heart just like a tattoo
Just like a tattoo I'll always have you .
Just be the tatoo of mine yehs ? I don`t want to waste time any more .
Just sick & tiredddddd .
Nothing really happen in school .
School was boring , life was a bore .
Shall I end my life ? How I wish to .
I don`t want to go GH .
Really ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I promise I won`t cut myself , I promise I won`t smoke , I promise I will not step into the Ahlians` life , I promise to study hard . I just don`t want to go GH & NA !
Kors , Jies , Baobeihs , Twindarling , Mei , Di , Sisters & Brothers ;