
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Results for my exams ..

English : 36/60
Chinese : 33/60
Literature : 34/80
Science : 59/100
Art : 55/100
History : 27/100
Math : 37/100
Geography : NOTSURE =x

Haiyoos , 4 passes only . Don`t know can go to 2E5`2009 or not larhhhhhhs !
I don`t want drop to NormalA .
Plweaseplweaseplwease ! ):

Today , school was boring . Got fire drill , lames larhhs .
Waste my time under the hot sun -.-
Recess was cut short for some reason . After school cried when Miss Chua says I may drop to NormalA . Dammmmm shrags larhhs .
Went canteen , find Serene , Bonnibelle & Chenfen . They saw me cry , dhen asked me what happen . Dhen Bonnibelle says want help me tell Mr Chua to help me , as they know that if I go NormalA , I won`t be in HillgroveSec anymore .
Eat , then they all went home . Went to find Fafa .
Netball training starts .
Saw lil Boy , lols .
Today keep having foot work ! Stupiddddddddddd ):
End netball , missed the bus .
Soooooooo dammm dulann lurhs ! ;
Reached Zhenhua , slack with Feri , Jon & Baoming .
10 + reachedd home (:

CELESTE ! , Work hard , Don`t drop to NA . (: